Welcome to SF Tango With.US, a Tango events calendar for the San Francisco / Bay Area!

Here are some best practices when posting events to Cabeceo Me.

Generally speaking, have short, concise, informative titles about your event.

Do not to be “annoying” or “spam” the calendar.

Thank you!

    1. Event Titles
    2. Event Description
    3. Categories

Event Titles

The general format for events are:

[Type of event] w/ [Teacher, Guest, DJ] @ [Location]  (Other information)

The shorter and more concise the better. Do not use ALL CAPS for your titles.

Examples of good titles:

  • Milonga El Abrazo
  • Orange Practica @ The Beat
  • Workshop w/ Sebastian & Laura
  • Class & Practica w/ Glenn @ Bissap Baobab
  • CELLspace Milonga w/ LOFT Orchestra
  • Class w/ Homer & Mira @ Athletic Playground (Beginner friendly)

Event Descriptions

For the event description, you should include the following:

[Blurb about your event]


8:15 – 9:15 Intermediate Class
9:15 – 12:45 Practica$12 Class + Practica
$7 Practica onlyTeachers: Felipe & Ayano
DJ: Felipe Martinez

Join Felipe Martinez and other local and visiting instructors/DJs for this weekly event. As a general rule, our intermediate classes are challenging and our practicas are fun! DJed music can vary from all traditional to mixed (some alternative).


Please feel free to use as many categories as applicable to your event.

Common combinations:

  • practica, class
  • milonga, workshop
  • milonga, live_music, workshop, performance

Some good guidelines for categorizing your event:

  • If your practica includes social dancing, please add the milonga category.
  • If your practica is focused on practicing with no social dancing, please DO NOT include the milonga category
  • For an all-nigher event, please also include milonga so that the event gets more visibility.

If you check all of the categories for your event, then it’s very likely you are spamming the calendar and your event will be deleted and your account blocked.