Diego Lanau and Alejandra Saravia teach beginning tango and intermediate tango dance classes at La Bruja! Diego and Alejandra are teaching Wednesdays, July 17th through August 28th. Catch them while they’re here in the Bay Area!
These classes are taught as “leaders” and “followers” and are inclusive to queer, trans, and non-binary people. Role-switching is welcome.
For the beginner class, no experience is necessary. For the intermediate class, we recommend that you have been dancing tango frequently for at least six months. Everyone is encouraged to switch partners during the classes, but you may also decide to stick with the same partner.
7:00-8:00 pm beginner class
8:00-8:30 pm practica
8:30-9:30 pm milonga class
9:30-10:00 pm practica
We encourage everyone to stay, dance, and ask questions during the practica. Intermediate students: try to arrive at 8:00.
Drinks are available across the hall at Morgan’s Bar and Lounge. All ages are welcome in the dance classes.
$20 general admission (cash only)
$15 for students with ID (cash only)
$35 for both classes in one night (cash only)