San Francisco / Bay Area Argentine Tango Calendar
Summer is around the corner and we are ready to celebrate its arrival with a big dance party with lots of friends and delicious food!
Join us on Wednesday, June 19 for the Summer addition of Da Moose Potluck milonga! This time, we will dance to the music played by Felipe!!! We will also have a pre-milonga class taught by Ayano and Felipe!
Topic: deep close embrace.
Pre-milonga class: 6-7pm $20
Milonga: 7-11pm $15
Both: class and milonga $30
We are looking forward to host you and have a fabulous time together!
Lana and Earl
¡¡DO NOT: Double park, block other cars, block the fire lane, park in disabled parking, or in the front of the building!!
Alternate parking locations: 1) Behind the building to the north at Fortinet or 2) one lot to the west at 901 Kifer.