San Francisco / Bay Area Argentine Tango Calendar
La Bruja presents Christopher Nassopoulos, Wednesdays in October, plus November 3rd! This is a switch tango class–all students will be asked to switch roles regularly. Christopher is an expert in milonguero style. He studied with Susana Miller and has taught tango for many years.
All-levels class | 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Practica | 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Class and practica: $20 (cash only)
Practica only: $10 (cash only)
Class $10 for City Club members
Class begins promptly at 7:00 pm
No partner or experience required
Proof of vaccination and ID required
Masks are mandatory
This class series is held in the drawing room on the first floor.
Ring the bell and say “tango”
Drinks available at Morgan’s Bar and Lounge until 9:00 pm
We are a 10-minute walk from Downtown Berkeley BART. For bike parking, use the bell to enter through the service entrance and go straight until you are outside again.
No non-member parking in the Berkeley City Club lot. Nearby parking lots are Trinity Parking Lot (2362 Bancroft Way), First Congregational Church Parking Lot (2345 Channing Way), and 2315 Ellsworth Street Garage @ the Metropolitan. We are a 10-minute walk from Downtown Berkeley BART.