San Francisco / Bay Area Argentine Tango Calendar
Ashkenaz presents Juan Villarreal and Patricio Crom! Juan and Pato play guitar and sing, with music that is “100% milonguerisimo bailable!” (100% danceable music)! This is their second US tour, and they are celebrating 15 years as a musical duo.
With DJ’d music between sets.
Ashkenaz has a real wooden dance floor with plenty of space for everyone. Beer, wine, nonalcoholic drinks, and vegetarian empanadas are offered for sale. All ages welcome.
Discount available until midnight on Saturday night.
Sunday, Mar. 16
7:30 doors open
8:00 all – levels dance class
9:00 milonga with live music
$20 in advance, Ashkenaz website
$25 at the door
$15 at the door with student ID