La Cadencia Tango w/ Ryan & Rena
La Cadencia Tango w/ Ryan & Rena
EVERY SUNDAY 1:00 - 2:15 Class w/ Ryan & Rena 2:15 - 4:00 Practica $25 - class & practica $10 - practica Location: Wild & the Barre Fitness ...
San Francisco / Bay Area Argentine Tango Calendar
EVERY SUNDAY 1:00 - 2:15 Class w/ Ryan & Rena 2:15 - 4:00 Practica $25 - class & practica $10 - practica Location: Wild & the Barre Fitness ...
8:15-9:30p - Intermediate class 9:30p-0:30a - Practica Registration required for NEW DANCERS ONLY (if you haven't attended Monday / Allnighter since 2021) If you don't feel well, please stay ...
Tango teacher Luz Castineiras is back in February! In the beginner series, we focus on foundational moves for social dancing. In the intermediate series, we focus on vals. Luz will ...
•Fundamentals Class 8:00 – 9:00pm: Explore the fundamentals of Argentine Tango and dive into the core principles of technique, connection, creativity, and floor craft. We’ll work with basic movements to ...
6:30 - 7:30 Fundamentals Class 7:30 - 8:30 Intermediate Class 8:30 - 9:00 Practica* *may be longer based on the week Stanford Students: Free! $25 Drop-Ins $120 Full 6-week Series ...
EVERY SUNDAY 1:00 - 2:15 Class w/ Ryan & Rena 2:15 - 4:00 Practica $25 - class & practica $10 - practica Location: Wild & the Barre Fitness ...
8:15-9:30p - Intermediate class 9:30p-0:30a - Practica Registration required for NEW DANCERS ONLY (if you haven't attended Monday / Allnighter since 2021) If you don't feel well, please stay ...
Diego Lanau and Alejandra Saravia are back in the Bay Area, and will be teaching our tango classes in March and April! Sign up for the March series: Wednesdays, March ...
•Fundamentals Class 8:00 – 9:00pm: Explore the fundamentals of Argentine Tango and dive into the core principles of technique, connection, creativity, and floor craft. We’ll work with basic movements to ...
EVERY SUNDAY 1:00 - 2:15 Class w/ Ryan & Rena 2:15 - 4:00 Practica $25 - class & practica $10 - practica Location: Wild & the Barre Fitness ...
8:15-9:30p - Intermediate class 9:30p-0:30a - Practica Registration required for NEW DANCERS ONLY (if you haven't attended Monday / Allnighter since 2021) If you don't feel well, please stay ...
*** JULIA GORINA & LAUTARO CANCELA *** 8-9 pm - Tango Workshop - Topic: Paradas & Barridas 9pm-9:30pm - Premilonga Concert 9:30pm -12:30am - Milonga-Tango Social w/ DJ Glenn Live ...
Diego Lanau and Alejandra Saravia are back in the Bay Area, and will be teaching our tango classes in March and April! Sign up for the March series: Wednesdays, March ...
•Fundamentals Class 8:00 – 9:00pm: Explore the fundamentals of Argentine Tango and dive into the core principles of technique, connection, creativity, and floor craft. We’ll work with basic movements to ...
EVERY SUNDAY 1:00 - 2:15 Class w/ Ryan & Rena 2:15 - 4:00 Practica $25 - class & practica $10 - practica Location: Wild & the Barre Fitness ...
8:15-9:30p - Intermediate class 9:30p-0:30a - Practica Registration required for NEW DANCERS ONLY (if you haven't attended Monday / Allnighter since 2021) If you don't feel well, please stay ...
Premilonga concert with Duo Villareal 8-9pm Milonga with Live music for dancing 9pm-12am Dj Iv Manos Admission $25 *$5 discount for full-time college students Free admission for spectators. One dish ...
Diego Lanau and Alejandra Saravia are back in the Bay Area, and will be teaching our tango classes in March and April! Sign up for the March series: Wednesdays, March ...
•Fundamentals Class 8:00 – 9:00pm: Explore the fundamentals of Argentine Tango and dive into the core principles of technique, connection, creativity, and floor craft. We’ll work with basic movements to ...
EVERY SUNDAY 1:00 - 2:15 Class w/ Ryan & Rena 2:15 - 4:00 Practica $25 - class & practica $10 - practica Location: Wild & the Barre Fitness ...
8:15-9:30p - Intermediate class 9:30p-0:30a - Practica Registration required for NEW DANCERS ONLY (if you haven't attended Monday / Allnighter since 2021) If you don't feel well, please stay ...
Diego Lanau and Alejandra Saravia are back in the Bay Area, and will be teaching our tango classes in March and April! Sign up for the March series: Wednesdays, March ...
•Fundamentals Class 8:00 – 9:00pm: Explore the fundamentals of Argentine Tango and dive into the core principles of technique, connection, creativity, and floor craft. We’ll work with basic movements to ...
EVERY SUNDAY 1:00 - 2:15 Class w/ Ryan & Rena 2:15 - 4:00 Practica $25 - class & practica $10 - practica Location: Wild & the Barre Fitness ...
8:15-9:30p - Intermediate class 9:30p-0:30a - Practica Registration required for NEW DANCERS ONLY (if you haven't attended Monday / Allnighter since 2021) If you don't feel well, please stay ...