San Francisco / Bay Area Argentine Tango Calendar
Welcome to La Cadencia Tango Class & Practica where you will: Learn and practice technical details with emphasis on musicality
Get tips for followers for elegant and playful ...
7pm - Midnight Entrance $15 736 W. Dana, Mountain View, California 94041 FULLY VACCINATED DANCERS ONLY. Mask optional if you're up to date with vaccine and booster. Please show vaccination ...
8:15-9:30p - Intermediate class 9:30p-0:30a - Practica Vaccine+Booster & HIGH QUALITY MASK (KF94/N95/KN95) required. Registration: Looking forward to seeing you all!
7:00 - 7:45 Beg/int class with Christy 7:45 - 8:00 practica 8:00 - 9:00 int/adv class with Christy & Carolina 9:00 - 10:00 practica: Live music w Buena onda Tango ...
We are all inclusive tango community of dedicated tango lovers .We come every Wednesday to work hard on improving our tango skills. Join us on this journey and enjoy welcoming ...
Wednesdays in March, join us for beginning tango with David Orly-Thompson! We will explore the fundamentals of social tango together. This is a series of five classes. Masks are required. ...
Stanford Milonga $10 General public Free for students with ID Stanford quarterly milonga There will be light refreshment! All are encouraged to dance in the role(s) that they want. We ...
Every Thursday from 8:00 to 12:00 When Class. from 7:00 to 8:00 Bar Open, No Outside Drinks Allowed. Vaccinated Persons with proof required (No Exceptions ) Masks: Optional, But Highly ...
Live music by Sumi Lee's Buena Onda Tango Ensemble: Lee, Colombo, Edrees & Fabricant 8:30pm-12:30am - Milonga - Tango Social w/ DJ Glenn - Discounts offered for those in financial hardship ...
11:00 - 12:00 Basics Class 12:00 - 01:00 Exploration / Improv Class 01:00 - 04:00 PRACTICA $15/each class $20 - one class + practica $30 - two classes + practica ...
Come and have fun dancing in a friendly atmosphere at the Live Music Milonga Sentimental Tango Dance Party with Seth Asarnow (piano) & Adrian Jost (bandoneon) in San Mateo. We ...
Milonga: 9pm - 1:30am Hosted by Ramada and Elaine $20: MILONGA ONLY Cash or Venmo at the door ~Fully Vaccinated Event. Vaccination information is required upon entry and masks are ...
8:00 - 9:00 Basics Series Class/Workshop 9:00 - 1:30a Milonga $20 Milonga only $25 Class + Milonga $10 Class only $10 after Midnight Masks highly recommended Awesome sound system, silk ...