San Francisco / Bay Area Argentine Tango Calendar
Welcome to La Cadencia Tango Class & Practica where you will: Learn and practice technical details with emphasis on musicality
Get tips for followers for elegant and playful ...
The Argentine Tango Club at UC Berkeley is excited to host our FIRST MILONGA FIAT LUX OF 2023 with DJ Jerry!! Sunday March 19, 2PM-5PM in Eshleman 240 (right on ...
7pm - Midnight Entrance $15 736 W. Dana, Mountain View, California 94041 FULLY VACCINATED DANCERS ONLY. Mask optional if you're up to date with vaccine and booster. Please show vaccination ...
7:00 - 8:00 Intermediate class with Daniel & Alejandra 8:00 - 12:00a Milonga Rubia $25.00 for class *Cash only* $20.00 Milonga *Cash only* Special Pre-Milonga class with world-renowned ...
8:15 - 9:30 All - level class with Jonas & Xiaomin 9:30 - 0:30a Practica $20 class & practica or practica only $10 for full-time students Cash, Venmo, ...
Come celebrate spring with us. Bring a dish and your dance shoes. Come on your own or bring a partner and join the fun. Rene Quebec is our DJ
Wednesdays in March, join us for beginning tango with David Orly-Thompson! We will explore the fundamentals of social tango together. This is a series of five classes. Masks are required. ...
Every Thursday from 8:00 to 12:00 When Class. from 7:00 to 8:00 Bar Open, No Outside Drinks Allowed. Vaccinated Persons with proof required (No Exceptions ) Masks: Optional, But Highly ...
8:30PM-9:30PM - Tango Workshop W/ Daniel Juarez & Alejandra Armenti Class topic: Lapices & Planeos for Leaders and Followers. 9:30pm-12:30am - La Milonga w/ DJ Una - Discounts offered for ...
11:00 - 12:00 Basics Class 12:00 - 01:00 Exploration / Improv Class 01:00 - 04:00 PRACTICA $15/each class $20 - one class + practica $30 - two classes + practica ...
Pancho Martinez Pey and Raquel Makow will be teaching a series workshop on March 24th, April 15th & 16th. 1st Workshop 4:00-5:30pm 2nd Workshop 5:30-7:00pm $30 1 workshop (1.5hs) $150 ...
8:00 - 9:00 Chacarera Practica. Everyone is welcome. We will review the basic choreography. 9:00 - 2:00a Milonga w/ DJ Aijan Chacarera break around 11:30pm Practica+Milonga $30-35 sliding ...